About Us
- High School (7-12) - 58 students
- Elementary (PK-6) - 68 students
Teaching Staff
- 18 certified teachers in grades PreK-12.
- 1 full-time Superintendent
- 1 full-time Principal
Classified staff
- 2 cooks
- 1 maintenance person
- 2 custodians
- 1 Technology administrator
- 1 Secretary
- 1 District Clerk
- Smartboards in all classrooms
- All staff have laptops
- All high school students have a student issued laptop for school and home use
- Junior high students each have a laptop assigned to them for use during school hours
- Elementary students have Chromebooks for use during school hours
- 1 part-time onsite technology support person
- Infinite Campus is used for our student information system. It gives parents access to their child's grades, lunch account, and more
- Lambert School is committed to the integration of technology in our school system.
Class size
- 1 to 15 students
- Full time Kindergarten
- School Funded Pre Kindergarten
- 7-12 are departmentalized
Extra-Curricular Activities
- 6-man Football
- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Track
- Golf
- Cross Country
- Business Professionals of America
- National Honor Society
- Cheerleading
Other Great Things Offered
- Missoula Children's Theater
- In-House Pre K Program
- Free breakfast for students and staff
- Newly Remodeled school facilities
- Affordable staff housing
- In-town licensed daycare available for staff's children